Oggy and the cockroach gang cartoon
Oggy and the cockroach gang cartoon

oggy and the cockroach gang cartoon

Arch-Enemy: It's seldom when he and the roaches never fight in an episode.Season 4 averts this by having Olivia be his only romantic interest. In "Oggy's Night Out", he and Jack went to eat on a classy restaurant, and Oggy was carrying a purse.

oggy and the cockroach gang cartoon oggy and the cockroach gang cartoon

Ambiguously Bi: There were episodes where Oggy showed attraction to women, and others were he clearly ogled men.Amazingly Embarrassing Parent: Not a parent himself, but he acts likes an embarrassing father towards Jack's nephew.He spends his time chasing and catching the cockroaches, but somehow developed a love/hate relationship with them. The titular protagonist, he is a diplomatic, sometimes lazy and an easy-natured cat who is the constant victim of the Cockroaches.

Oggy and the cockroach gang cartoon